You have heard the meme: “When will Star Atlas release something? In 4 to 6 weeks”. But when you look at it differently, it could be 4-2-6 or maybe even 4-26, which could mean April 26. As a community, let’s do something on April 26, 2024.
I have an idea. It was great hearing about everyone meeting at the last Breakpoint conference, but I couldn’t travel to Amsterdam. The first Community Week was great but virtual. Here is my idea: On April 26, 2024, let’s meet with other Star Atlas community members in our hometowns. Let’s call them “426 Meetups.”
A 426 Meetup can be any type of event. Maybe it is over a meal (breakfast, lunch, dinner), just for beverages (coffee, drinks), or just a gathering place (library, shopping mall, park). The key is it needs to occur on April 26 anywhere in the world.
But we need hosts. These would be Star Atlas community members who volunteer to pick a time and location for their 426 Meetup. That is the minimum requirement. You can be creative and do more, but we just need people to volunteer to be hosts.
If enough people are willing to be hosts, I will help organize the publication of all the information in one place (website and/or Discord server). This will list the 426 Meetup hosts, locations, and times.
Please go to the Star Atlas Discord in the “426-meetups” channel if you are interested in volunteering to be a 426 Meetup host or have any questions or ideas.
Matt | Intergalactic Herald